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Whidbey Audubon Needs Help with Bird List
Summer Sightings Wanted.
Since we are revising the Whidbey Audubon Society Birds of Whidbey Checklist, we need Whidbey Island summer (June, July, August) sightings of Varied Thrush and Common Nighthawks. If you see either of these species, please send the information to my email listed below. Put Varied Thrush Sighting in the subject line. Include in the information how many individuals were seen and note any activity observed. We don't need a street address but a nearby street intersection, neighborhood or park location will do. Steve Ellis (special@whidbeyaudubon.org)
Reporter's name: Pam Daener
Sighting Description: Two male western tanagers at our suet feeder this morning.
Location: Off Scenic Drive in Freeland
Date and time: 8/2/2024 7:45 a.m.
Comment submitted Aug 2, 2024
Reporter's name: Carla Corin
Sighting Description: Mystery sandpiper at Dugualla Bay on Thursday. Very light grayish appearance. I tried to make it into a Sanderling, but Western or Semipalmated are possible. See attached photos
Location: Dugualla Bay, marshy area.
Date and time: 7/23 around 11 a.m.
Photo Title: Dugualla Bay Sandpiper
Comment submitted Jul 26, 2024
Reporter's name: Pam Daener
Sighting Description: A flock of 6 band-tailed pigeons flew in and landed in the top of an
alder tree. They hung out for 10 minutes or so, long enough to confirm their identity with
a spotting scope, then took off, heading northwest.
Location: Off Scenic Drive, Freeland.
Date and time: 7/19/20 8:15pm
Comment submitted Jul 19, 2024
Reporter's name: Mary Jo Adams

Sighting Description: I saw one downy covered spotted sandpiper chick at about noon today on
the island at the west end of Dugualla Bay. It looks like it has grown some since I saw two
of the chicks 10 days ago.
Location: Dugualla Bay
Date and time: 7/18/20 at about 12 noon
Photo Title: Spotted sandpiper chick
Comment submitted Jul 18, 2024
Reporter's name: ruth scrivner

Sighting Description: 26 Ring-billed Gulls, many in breeding plumage feeding together with
Great Blue Herons in the Dugualla Bay mudflats. Listed in WAS bird list as U in summer.
Observed in the morning continuously for over the last two weeks .
Location: Dugualla Bay West side / Jones Road and Henni
Date and time: July 9 2024 ,8 AM
Comment submitted Jul 18, 2024
Reporter's name: Marianne Burr

Sighting Description: This is the second house wren nest on our back porch this year.. We
guess it is the same hen's second batch. The first time she used the platform of our can
crusher. This time she is using our rag bag. Very interesting how she used larger twigs to
make a foundation structure. You can see them sticking out on the nest edges. Each of the
4 eggs is dime size. I saw the first nest jam packed with nestlings but do not know if they
fledged. This is a good year for a second family!
Location: Olympic View Drive, Crockett Lake Estates
Date and time: Sunday, July 12, 1:30 pm
Photo Title: House wren nest
Comment submitted Jul 12, 2024
Reporter's name: Ken Hillers

Sighting Description: Ebey's Prairie - Acorn Woodpecker (deceased)
I'm visiting my parents, who live near the Sunnyside cemetery at Ebey's prairie. In their
yard, I found a dead acorn woodpecker associated with a nest hole in a dead tree. It's
probably been dead for a week or so, but is definitely an acorn woodpecker.
Location: S Sherman Rd, near Sunnyside cemetery
Confirmation: Shared picture with Sarah Schmidt, who agreed with identification.
Date and time: July 11, 2024; 8:30 pm
Photo Title: Whidbey Island acorn woodpecker
Comment submitted Jul 12, 2024
Reporter's name: Dave Parent
Sighting Description: Juvenile Brown Pelican first seen by me in Port Townsend, Admiralty
Inlet side of Point Hudson Marina and then conveniently relocated about a quarter mile from
Fort Casey in Island County waters.
Location: A baitball about a quarter mile offshore from the Coupeville ferry landing.
Date and time: 7/11/20 4:10 pm
Comment submitted Jul 11, 2024
Reporter's name: Ken Hillers

Sighting Description: Possible Chipping Sparrow
We were hiking the trail from Sunnyside cemetery to the Bluff trail at Ebey's Prairie; maybe
halfway out to the bluff. There was a solitary sparrow on the fenceline above the trail.
Sparrow had a solid rufus cap, a clear and light-colored breast, and a line through the eye
with white above. No call was heard. Bird was seen July 10, around 7:30pm. Not refound
morning of July 11. Best match seemed to be Chipping sparrow, which I've seen a few times
but am not very familiar with.
Location: On trail from Sunnyside cemetery to Bluff trail; Ebey's Prairie.
Date and time: July 10, 2024; 7:30pm
Photo Title: Possible Chipping Sparrow (cropped)
Comment submitted Jul 11, 2024
Reporter's name: Dave Parent
Sighting Description: At least 10 Semipalmated Sandpipers and a possible Stint in a group of
several hundred peeps, mostly Western Sandpipers.
The possible stint was a noticeably reddish peep in a flock on a sandbar further offshore.
Heat shimmer and and then, a hunting Peregrine Falcon prevented a positive ID
Location: Crockett Lake west of the pilings
Date and time: 6/8/20 8pm
Comment submitted Jul 8, 2024
Reporter's name: Mary Jo Adams
Sighting Description: Shortly after noon today on the little island in the lake at the west
end of Dugualla Bay I saw two very young downy covered spotted sandpiper chicks. They were
following the parent bird and bobbing their tails. There was also another older juvenile
that did not have spots on its breast but it did have a little bit of downy fluff remaining
on its otherwise feathered body. It was not with the adult and chicks but was on the little
spit that sticks out from the island and it was also doing the tail bobbing. I was not able
to get a photo.
Location: Dugualla Bay-west end
Date and time: 7/8/20 about 12:30 pm
Comment submitted Jul 8, 2024
Reporter's name: Sarah Schmidt

Sighting Description: Although not an unusual species for Whidbey, a Bald Eagle visiting our
backyard birdbath for a drink is a first -- on July 4th no less! Eagle stayed from 8:10-8:20
pm. Periodically it leaned down and dipped its lower bill in the water to drink. My photos
aren't great quality but a good record. Mostly I captured the event in hand-held video, but
a still is included.
Location: 3 miles south of Coupeville
Date and time: July 4, 8:10-8:20 p.m.
Photo Title: July 4th backyard Bald Eagle
Comment submitted Jul 4, 2024
Reporter's name: Deb Stewart

Sighting Description: I was driving down Cultus Bay Rd when a large white bird in the marsh
caught my attention. I had my camera and was able to pull over and get a couple of quick
pics of a Trumpeter Swan. I know it's hard to keep track of time in 2024 but I'm pretty
sure it is July. Someone tell this swan! Maybe I'm behind the curve and this is a known
Location: Cultus Bay/French Rd Marsh
Date and time: 7/4/2024 12:00 PM
Photo Title: Trumpeter Swan
Comment submitted Jul 4, 2024
Reporter's name: Nancy Johnson
Sighting Description: 60-80 Great Blue Herons seen from Dugualla Bay Heights on the mud
flats at low tide, both yesterday and today.
Location: Dugualla Bay Heights
Date and time: July 2 aand 3. Low tide.
Comment submitted Jul 3, 2024
Reporter's name: Dave Parent
Sighting Description: Not Whidbey, but
close. I have seen a pair of Marbled
Murrelets at the Mukilteo ferry landing
every day this week. Most commonly on the
south side of the dock. If anyone would
like a nice closeup view.
Location: Mukilteo Ferry Dock
Date and time: 7/1/20 11am
Comment submitted Jul 1, 2024
Reporter's name: Ruth Scrivner
Sighting Description: (roughly counted)
200 Common Merganser in transitional
Location: Dugualla Bay west side
Date and time: June 28, 9am
Photo Title: common merganser
Comment submitted Jun 28, 2024
Reporter's name: Mary Jo Adams
Sighting Description: Black-billed magpie
seen at NAS Whidbey at about 1 pm today.
According to eBird, this species has never
been reported in Island County before.
Location: NAS Whidbey
Date and time: 6/28/20 1 pm
Comment submitted Jun 28, 2024
Reporter's name: RUTH SCRIVNER
Sighting Description: roughly 200 Common
Merganser in transitional plumage I will
send one picture but have more if you
request. Our Bird-list lists these as rare
in the summer. Hope this may help with the
next list. I am having difficulties
sending pictures on this form.
Location: Dugualla Bay west side and north
of Dike Road.
Date and time: June 28 9am
Photo Title: common merganser in
transitional plumage
Comment submitted Jun 28, 2024
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Schedule changes: Remember to
check this space a few
hours before any
Whidbey Audubon Society event in
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cancels it. Consider
signing up to receive updates by
email but check here anyway in case
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Birding in the Neighborhoods -
Weekly Field Trips
South Whidbey
The trips are every other Thursday
and the meeting time
varies with the season.
If you would like to be notified of
the events, contact
Cathi Bower .
North Whidbey
The trips are on the 2nd Wednesday
of each month. If you
wish to be notified
of the events, contact Marcia Lazoff
Birding Class Starts in
September Registration is
open now.
Thursday, September 10: Meeting
The Snowy Owl and the Great Gray Owl: Visual Natural Histories
This will be an online meeting using Zoom
software. More information will be available before then. Paul Bannick will be the
Whidbey Audubon Society
PO Box 1012
Oak Harbor,Washington 98277
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